The Phillipian

State of the Academy

A record-high 923 students participated in The Phillipian's “State of the Academy.”

Photo-Illustration — A.Klionsky/The Phillipian

On April 22, The Phillipian, vol. CXXXIX, sent out the 2016 “State of the Academy” survey to all Andover students in the hopes of attaining valuable information about the Andover community. The anonymous survey consisted of 80 questions, divided into eight main topics: general information, identity, school, drug and alcohol usage, wellness, sexual activity, and discipline.

Of the 1,118 students who received the survey, The Phillipian received a record-high 923 complete responses – 83 percent of the student body – in the span of five days. The Phillipian has taken the results of the survey and organized them into several pages of graphic data pertaining to each topic.

We thank the students for their willingness to share information about themselves and their experiences, and we hope that this special issue of The Phillipian will both inform and enlighten the Andover community.

A note about race:

In past years, “State of the Academy” included the question: “What is your race/ethnicity?” This year, The Phillipian divided this question into two questions, one that asked about race and the other about ethnicity. Respondents were allowed to select more than one option for each of these questions to allow students who identify as more than one race or ethnicity to answer accordingly.

Unfortunately, the host site of the survey collected these responses in such a way that the answers were unable to be analyzed or crossed with information from other survey questions. The data seen here was calculated by hand. Data about ethnicity could not be collected.


Sex Breakdown
Of respondents are boarding students
Or 43% of respondents are on some form of financial aid
Reverse Racism by Grade
Of respondents would want their kids to attend Andover
Of respondents have not played on a varsity level team
The total number of respondents in this year's survey
Of the student body participated anonymously
Gender Breakdown
Of respondents are feminists
Of respondents don't believe reverse racism exists
Sexual Orientation Breakdown
The most common net family income
Perception of Socioeconomic Status by Net Family Income


As a rigorous academic institution, school is the focal point of life at Andover. Respondents to the survey reported a 5.0 as the most common Winter Term 2016 G.P.A. Eleven percent of respondents said that they spend six hours on coursework outside of class each day. Thirty-eight percent of students said that they believe attending Andover negatively affects their chances of being accepted to a selective college.

Ninety-eight percent thought that grading disparities exist between teachers of the same subject, with the English Department identified as the department with the largest grading disparity.

Coursework by Grade
Of respondents who reported a 6.0 G.P.A. in winter term are boarders
Average winter G.P.A. of respondents
Winter 2016 G.P.A. Range
Of respondents have plagiarized at Andover
Of respondents support affirmative action
How Andover impacts college
4.16 hrs
Average time spent on coursework outside of class
Of respondents believe grading disparities exist between teachers of the same department
Grading Disparities by Department
3,836+ hrs
Total amount of time respondents spend on homework every night
Winter 2016 G.P.A. by Grade

Drugs & Alcohol

As a high school, Andover is not immune to a pervasive drug and alcohol culture. Sixty-one percent of respondents reported that they have consumed alcohol at some point, either on campus, off campus, or both.

Twenty-seven people indicated use of the hallucinogen LSD. Thirty percent said they had used marijuana, either on campus, off campus, or both. Forty students reported using “study drugs” on campus. One hundred and seventy-nine respondents said they have attended a school-sponsored event under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Marijuana Usage
Seniors have used someone else's pharmaceutical drugs in hopes of enhancing academic performance
“Study Drug” Usage on campus
Of respondents think the administration should not be able to search an entire dorm for contraband material
Of all respondents have consumed alcohol
Of all respondents have used tobacco products
Of all respondents have used marijuana
Drugs & alcohol at school-sponsered events
Respondents have used MDMA (Molly)
Respondents have used LSD
Respondents have used cocaine
Boarder vs. Day Student Alcohol Consumption


With the opening of the Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center in December, Andover is making strides to address student wellness on campus. Forty-three percent of students have been to either Graham House or the Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center to see a counselor. One hundred and thirty-four respondents reported engaging in self-harm while at Andover.

Seven percent of respondents said they had developed an eating disorder while at Andover, 77 percent of respondents reported feeling alone at Andover, and 84 respondents reported that they had been sexually assaulted either on campus, off campus, or both.

Happiness by grade
Of respondents who aren't generally happy at Andover believe that other students are generally happy
Respondents have been sexually assaulted
Sexual Assault
Of respondents have visited Graham House or the Rebecca M. Sykes Wellness Center to see a counselor
Body Image by Gender
6.8 hrs
Average amount of sleep that respondents get per night
Sleep by Grade
Of respondents consider themselves happy at Andover
Of respondents have considered leaving andover permanently
Your Happiness vs. happiness of others
Of respondents have been bullied or hazed at Andover
Of respondents have engaged in self-harm at Andover
Frequency of Feeling Alone at Andover
Of respondents who have been bullied at Andover engaged in self-harm while at school


Of the respondents, 47 percent of respondents have engaged in sexual activity – defined as digital, oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Of the sexually-active respondents, the most common number of sexual partners reported was one.

Twenty-four percent of respondents said they have had more than five sexual partners. Eighty percent reported that they are not currently in a committed relationship, and 48 percent identified as having hooked up with someone they were not in a committed relationship with.

More than half of respondents said that sexual education at Andover is adequate. Three hundred and three respondents reported having had an illegal parietal. More than half have watched pornography.

Sexual Activity by Grade
Of respondents have hooked up with someone who they were not in a committed relationship with
3.23 people
The average number of sexual partners, of respondents who identified as sexually active
Consent and Sexual Activity
Of respondents have felt pressured by their peers to engage in Andover’s hook-up culture
Of respondents have felt pressured by a partner to engage in sexual activity
Varsity Athletes and hook-up pressure
Of senior respondents have engaged in some form of sexual activity
Of respondents have engaged in some form of sexual activity
Boarders Have More Sex
Of respondents have watched pornography


Of respondents to the survey, four percent reported having sat before a Disciplinary Committee while at Andover. Twenty-four percent of respondents reported cheating on a test, quiz, or in-class assessment.

Half of respondents said they had committed a major offense or had an illegal parietal without being caught. In light of December’s dorm-wide search of Taylor Hall – the first full search of a dorm in at least seven years – The Phillipian asked respondents whether they felt the administration should be able to search an entire dorm for contraband material; 51 percent of students replied “no.”

Dorm Searches vs. Major Offense and/or Illegal Parietal Violations
Respondents have sat before a Disciplinary Committee (D.C.)
Of respondents do not think they have an adequate understanding of how the D.C. process works
Of respondents have cheated on a test, quiz, or in-class assignment
Dorm Searches by Alcohol Consumption
Of respondents have committed a major offense and/or have had an illegal parietal without being caught
Of respondents believe that the administration should be able to search an entire dorm for contraband
Cheating by grade


With the upcoming presidential election, The Phillipian asked students about their political beliefs. Seventeen percent of respondents identified as conservative, and 48 percent identified as liberal. Bernie Sanders is the preferred candidate of the student body, garnering 40 percent of the vote.

“State of the Academy” offered the option to select presidential candidates who were in the running at the time when the survey was written and sent out. Since then, Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Ted Cruz have dropped out of the race.

Political Affiliation
Respondents would have voted for Ted Cruz, before he dropped out of the race
Respondents would have voted for John Kasich, before he dropped out of the race
Faculty Diversity by Political Affiliation
Respondents said they would support Bernie Sanders, Andover's favored candidate
Respondents said they would support Donald Trump, the upcoming presidential election, the presumptive Republican nominee
Political Affiliation by Grade
Respondents said they would support Hillary Clinton
Reverse Racism and Political Affiliation
Of senior respondents identify as liberal